update #2
We are about 25 days from leaving for Thailand! I am so excited about the trip! Here are a few things you can be praying for:
Team -
1.) We've been asked to coordinate a Rally for youth and students. Please pray that the details for this rally will come together. This Rally can be a great boost to the already established ministry in Thailand.
2.) Our team will be presenting the gospel message in Thai prisons. Pray that God will begin TODAY to soften the hearts of those who will hear.
3.) Pray for our team. Pray that God will unite our hearts to His plan for this trip. We can plan and coordinate all these details and still miss what God wants to accomplish. Pray for unity, clarity and for our hearts to be fixed on God's plan for this trip, not ours.
Personal -
1.) I am traveling a lot over the next 30 days. Please pray for me and my family to cherish the "home time." As of this past Wednesday, I will spend 22 out of 40 days away from home. Pray for protection both physically and spiritually as I'm away from home.
2.) God is working on deep things in my heart. I am processing a lot of spiritual information. Please pray that God will grant clarity and discernment as to His plans and will in these days.
3.) Pray for finances. I have raised about $1050 of the $1600 needed for the trip. Pray that God will provide the funds to get me over this last hurdle. He is faithful and I know He'll provide!
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, donations, and support as we get ready to leave for Thailand!
grace and peace,